This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Royal Asiatic Society China in Shanghai events.

The Royal Asiatic Society (RAS) China cordially invites you to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday 26th November at 7 p.m. RAS China will be ratifying new and incumbent Council Members for the 2021–22 term at the AGM.

The AGM will begin in the Teddy Lounge on the third floor of the House of Roosevelt. We will also launch the 2021 RAS Journal in the RAS Library next to the lounge.

We will be offering complimentary hors d'oeuvres and drinks. Non-members are welcome to the event subject to an entrance fee (which is refundable upon joining RAS membership during the evening) and to availability as per our space limitations. We hope you will come along to engage with the RAS Community, meet some new friends and enjoy our lovely Library.

With our best regards,

RAS China Council



Please note that the dress code to enter the venue is business casual. All attendees must register in advance as we will cap entrance at 50 people.


  • Members


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  • Friends of the RAS (registered PRC donors)


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  • Members of other RAS branches (Beijing, Hong Kong, Korea, etc.)


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    For members of other RAS branches and chapters.
    You may be asked to provide proof of membership.

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  • RAS Joint/family member


    Standard Price

    For members who have signed up for joint/family membership.

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  • Institutional Member


    Standard Price

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  • Non-members

    RMB 200

    Standard Price

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