The Daodejing, also known as the Tao Te Ching, is the foundational text of Daoism (Taoism), and the most enigmatic work of Chinese philosophy. In fewer than 5000 Chinese characters, the text outlines some of the most important concepts that run throughout the whole of Chinese philosophy and have had a broad impact on Chinese culture: the Way, nonaction, the sage, and the complementary balance of yin and yang. Written in a paradoxical, abstract and aphoristic style, the text invites multiple different readings and interpretations, which perhaps explains its enduring relevance.
In this seminar, Professor James Miller, will introduce the general background, history and interpretation of this timeless classic, and attempt to answer any questions you may have about the text. Feel free to bring your favorite verse and we can discuss it together!
Whether you are new to Chinese philosophy or a seasoned expert, all of us will have the opportunity to learn something new. As the Daodejing famously states, "the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."
Check out many English versions of the Daodejing online at
Standard Price
Max 5 tickets per RAS Institutional member. Includes one drink per ticket.