A long-standing debate in modern Confucian studies is whether Confucianism is intrinsically patriarchal as a philosophy. Some scholars argue that the core values of Confucianism such as filial piety are essentially patriarchal and heteronormative, and that Confucianism's alignment with traditional Chinese family values is essential, rather than contingent. Others, however, argue that Confucianism's relational view of ethics bears a striking resemblance to those of contemporary feminist philosophy, and that Confucianism's core ethics can and should be detached from the patriarchal social context in which they took root.
Confucian scholar Hwa Yeong Wang has made the study of Confucianism and feminism her life's work, and she is one of the few contemporary feminist scholars of Confucianism. Joining Professor Wang to debate these ideas is Professor James Miller, Vice President and Council Chair of the Royal Asiatic Society, China, in what promises to be a lively and thought-provoking discussion.
Please join Professor Wang and Professor Miller for a welcome drink upon arrival.
Professor Wang will present her research on Confucianism and Feminism, in dialogue with Professor Miller.
Join all the attendees in an open discussion of the issues raised.
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Includes 2 drinks.
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Max. 5 tickets per RAS Institutional member. Includes 2 drinks.