This event is the first of three in a series From Dao to Zen: Conversations on Asian Thought and Contemporary Society. This series has two distinct features in terms of format and content. In terms of format, unlike a traditional lecture format, we will adopt a conversation format with a host and guest. The conversation format is designed to provide a more interactive experience and to encourage a critical, constructive atmosphere. The conversation will be opened up to all those who attend, and we welcome all constructive participation. In terms of content, we seek to redirect our attention away from mainstream Confucian philosophy that dominates philosophical conversations in Chinese society, and begin with three conversations about Zhuangzi, Mozi, and Chan/Zen Buddhism.
Today we discuss why Zhuangzi one of the most loved, inspiring and downright unusual books in world history. Together we will expore:
Why has Zhuangzi had a perennial appeal in Chinese history?
Why has Zhuangzi inspired fascination among philosophers over the world?
Why is Zhuangzi relevant for understanding Chinese society and culture today?
What can Zhuangzi contribute to understanding human life and meaning in the contemporary world?
Please join us for this fascinating discussion and to contribute your voice to the launch of the Royal Asiatic Society's focus group on Asian Philosophies and Religions.