For hundreds of years, huangjiu (yellow rice wine) has been the default liquor in China.

From emperors to peasants, Chinese people offered huangjiu to their ancestors, their guests, and their friends. Poets wrote verse about it, connoisseurs sipped it, and village drunks guzzled it.

These days, however, huangjiu is relatively obscure in China. It seems to have fallen out of favor as a drink – even the Japanese seem to be more fond of it. Many in China, especially the younger generations, have come to think of it merely as a cooking wine. That's a pity, because sipping huangjiu can offer wine lovers a unique experience that will broaden their palate.

Our presenter Jack Zhang will take the audience through the history of huangjiu, from how it evolved from rice wine during China's earliest civilizations to the downturn it has experienced in recent decades as it struggled to compete with imported Western wines and distilled spirits.

Nowadays, as part of the traditionalist revival linked to "cultural confidence," China's spirits enthusiasts have been rediscovering the charms of this country's native liquor. Influencers and investors alike have rushed to Shaoxing, the hometown of huangjiu, to stock up on artisanal varieties and rebrand them for the younger generation.

As you learn about the culture and history, you will be invited to sample the four main styles of huangjiu. Jack will point out the flavor notes to pay particular attention to, and discuss how the mashbill and manufacturing process affects the flow. While many think of yellow wine as a Chinese version of sake, there are actually quite a few differences in fermentation and brewing methods that distinguish the two – as well as other alcoholic beverages that huangjiu is often compared to, such as sherry.

Jack will also quickly touch upon the proper channels to purchase huangjiu, as well as how to spot fakes and low-quality merchandise.

About the speaker

Jack Zhang is the lead of the Shanghai chapter of AngeShare, a boutique importer created by young spirits enthusiasts that focuses on tropical rum, bourbon, whiskey, cognac and other spirits. To date, Jack has tasted more than 1000+ types of spirits ranging from 2% ABV to 86% ABV, and has amassed a 100-bottle collection comprising whiskeys, rums, bourbons, mezcals, huangjiu, grape wines, Calvados, and cognacs.

Hosted by: Lilly Chow, RAS Food Focus convener


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