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Join us for the first RAS event of 2021, sponsored by China Crossroadsand Green Initiatives!

Modernity, originating in the European Enlightenment, has brought freedom and wealth to billions across the world, but has done so on the basis of the destruction of our sole planetary home. The world urgently needs a new ecological civilization based on the worldview that human flourishing is possible only in the context of the ecological flourishing of our planet. Does Daoism (Taoism), China's indigenous religious system, have a role to play in constructing a global ecological civilization?

About the speaker

James Miller is Professor of Humanities at Duke Kunshan University, where he also serves as Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Strategy and Co-Director of the Planetary Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Lab (PETAL). He has published six books and numerous articles on Daoism, with a focus on its relevance for environmental ethics and ecological systems, including China's Green Religion: Daoism and the Quest for a Sustainable Future. Miller received his PhD in Religion from Boston University.

RAS members must register online in order to get the 50 RMB member ticket. If you do not have online payment, please reach out to

Non-members and China Crossroads members can register with Frank Tsai at Non-member price is 150 RMB, including a drink ticket.



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    RMB 50

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    RMB 50

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