Due to the continuing covid-related closures of some museums in Shanghai, the RAS Art Focus 2021-22 curated series Places & Spaces: Art in Shanghai has, for the time being, gone online. With Art Historian and Critic, Julie Chun, we are introduced to museums, both big and small, to understand the pluralist facets of art institutions with unique opportunities to hear from curators, museum directors, exhibition experts, and artists.
The Hong Kong Palace Museum has finally completed its construction and opened to the public on 2 July 2022. As an independent institution, the Hong Kong Palace Museum collaborated with the Beijing Palace Museum for the much-anticipated grand opening to feature 1,000 selected treasures from Beijing as well as other leading cultural institutions, including the Louvre. The talk by the Assistant Curator Shengyu Wang will begin with an introduction of the PLACE by introducing us to the architecture on the Victoria Harbour riverfront designed by the Hong Kong firm of Rocco Design Architects, and the museum's role and mission to bridge the local community with the global world at large. This will be followed by a discussion of the SPACE of the nine galleries within the museum, which covers 5,000 years of Chinese history. The unique aspect of the Hong Kong Palace Museum is to integrate contemporary works or designs with ancient artifacts to instill pluralist meanings and inspire new ways of interpretation for visiting audiences of the 21st century.
For more information about the exhibition, please visit:
Image Caption:
Basket of Flowers
Li Song (active 1190–1230)
Southern Song dynasty, Album leaf, ink and colour on silk
© The Palace Museum
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