Chinese ink painting has traditionally been seen as a refined gentlemanly pastime, where a coterie of intellectuals would gather to sip wine and tea while perusing the paintings of one another. This is one facet of Chinese ink painting, but hardly the entire story. Art Historian Julie Chun will provide a discussion of the Yangzhou Ba Guai, the renegades who broke all sorts of established rules to provide their own uncensored visual expressions. This will be followed by ART LABOR Director Martin Kemble's talk on the global artist Howie Tsui's contemporary ink works that continues the tradition of breaking established rules.
Julie Chun is the RAS Art Focus Convener since 2013, where she delivers monthly lectures at museums and galleries to widen the public's knowledge of artistic objects past and present. She lectures frequently for various foreign associations in Shanghai, including the foreign Consulate General offices and is an adjunct professor of Art History for the Institute for Study Abroad at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
Martin Kemble was born in Vancouver, BC, and lived in London, Warsaw and Montréal and in China for 20 years. Since moving to China, he has worked as a consultant for various international firms before opening ART LABOR in 2006 and has been working 7 days a week ever since promoting Chinese and international artists tirelessly. He is an advisor to the Canadian Minister of Culture of Canada, and is fluent in English and French, and Chinese.