This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Royal Asiatic Society China in Shanghai events.

The city of Shanghai currently offers a wide array of art museums with exhibitions featuring works by globally renowned artists and collections from some of the most prestigious art institutions in the world. Using our own city as a case study, the RAS Art Focus 2021–22 curated series Places & Spaces: Art in Shanghai aims to explore the phenomenon of museum culture in Shanghai. Each month, Art Historian and Critic Julie Chun will take us to museums, both big and small, to understand the pluralist facets of the art institution with unique opportunities to hear from museum directors, curators and artists.

We begin our series at the Aurora Museum to better comprehend the difference between public and private museums in China. We will discuss the importance of museums in relation to PLACE (how are the galleries organized and curated?) and SPACE (who is the architect and what is the design concept?) and the ART (how are objects and artifacts visually "read," understood and interpreted by the viewers?)

We will have the rare opportunity to hear from Fritz Huang, CEO of Aurora Museum, who will provide a welcome and a brief introduction of the mission of the museum and its collections.

Convener: Julie Chun, Art Historian and Art Critic

Note: To respect COVID restrictions, this event will be limited to 20 on a first come, first sign up basis with prepayment made to RAS Treasurer wechat or Alipay QR code. Those confirmed and attending are required to bring a face mask and green health code. Thank you for your understanding.

ENTRANCE FEE: Members & Friends 60 RMB, Non-members 120 RMB (Includes museum entry ticket)

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