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RAS General Programs

Panel Discussion – The Joys of Amateurism

Saturday, 13 January 2023

2:45 pm Registration

3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

This session is the second part of the panel discussion series where we will hear from and dialogue with a panel of experts on amateurism. Please join us for another round of lively conversations from experts in Shanghai who are focused on the joys and challenges of amateurism in honing one's craft. The panel of speakers include the former Shanghai Jiao Tong University Women's basketball team point guard, Zeng Wanling; photographer and photography instructor—and full-time physicist—Manuel Charlemagne; North Indian home cook extraordinaire Chhaya and Italian food master Erik Bjornsen. Titus Levi, former Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry, and amateur singer, will moderate.

This conversation will delve into a range of key questions including, but not limited to:

1. What motivates a person to really engage with a practice and develop craft in the absence of financial or status-based support?

2. What persons are driven by "the fire in your belly" for really honing one's craft?

3. What early experiences have exposed one to the joys of engaging deeply in the craft that they have adopted?

4:. What do these panelists say to anyone who asks, "I wish I could do what you do?"

Convened and moderated by Titus Levi, former Associate Professor at the USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry


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