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Join us for the next RAS Salon on the 22nd of June! This session will take place on Zoom at 8 p.m. China Standard time.

In this talk, Alexis Dudden will discuss Japan's territorial claims in the context of evolving international law, in particular its maritime disputes with Russia and South Korea. She will assess how territorial assertions tie into national narratives and explore the potential for peaceful resolution through a borderlines approach.

Alexis Dudden is professor of history at the University of Connecticut, where she teaches modern Japanese, Korean and international history. She publishes regularly in print and online media and is completing a book project tentatively called, The Opening and Closing of Japan, 1850–2020. Dudden received her BA from Columbia University in 1991 and her PhD in history from the University of Chicago in 1998. Since 1985, she has lived and studied for extended periods of time in Japan and South Korea.



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