This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Royal Asiatic Society China in Shanghai events.

RAS China will be voting in new and incumbent council members for the 2018–19 term at the AGM (Annual General Meeting). We invite all current RAS members to join us in reviewing the past year and looking forward to the future. The 2018 RAS Journal will also be launched at the end of the AGM and all members are invited to receive a complimentary copy and partake in the social afterwards with Roosevelt catered small bites and wines. We will be treated to a special performance of old Shanghai tunes by our journal publisher Graham Earnshaw.

With our best regards,

2017–2018 Royal Asiatic Society Council

John Edwards, British Consul General Shanghai – Honorary President

Julie Chun – Vice President, Art Focus Convener, RAS Journal Editor

Parul Rewal – Membership Director

John Van Fleet – Secretary

Robert Martin – Treasurer

Carolyn Robertson – Co-Librarian

Sven Serrano – Co-Librarian

Johan Uusitalo – Information Technology Co-Director

Connor Bralla – Information Technology Co-Director, Book Club Convener

John Villar – Programme Director

Furkan Erdogan – History Club Convener

Ted Willard – The House of Roosevelt Liaison

Tracey Willard – Council Member